Friday, May 2, 2008


By: Alicia

Fears are like scary dreams everyone has them.
Well I had a fear –
My fear was darkness.
I couldn’t sleep
I couldn’t live my life the way I wanted to.
Well one day it was time to get over that fear.
All I had to do was set goals and work.
Fears can haunt you they can torment you
But they can’t live your life for you.
I am now still working on my fear
I know one day I will be free.


Anonymous said...

that is really good you got over that fear.


Anonymous said...

Hey girl :) so i have to say that i used to have a lot of fears that would bug me. And that would hunt me untill i got over it. But keep up you head and dont let the fear get to you. :)

love Aubrey

Anonymous said...

fear or nofear you can do it.