Friday, April 25, 2008

Pillars of Education


Honor – Someone that is honest and true.
Excellence – Very smart & perfect
Discipline – Very good behavior
Tradition – Something that is passed on through family by generations

I think that excellence is the most important because that is what people expect me to be so I think that I need to be excellent to make people happy with me.


Matthew said...

I agree. Reaching for excellence should be everyones goal. If you are trying to be great, then you will have honor and discipline.


Anonymous said...

i think that exelence is the important thing to me to


Anonymous said...

Everyone should practice excellence but if you are practicing it for everyone else is there truly excellence in you? so you should next time practice it for yourself before you practice it for others so they can see how amazing you are when you are who you really

Anonymous said...

i wish i could do way better in everything

Anonymous said...

you dont have to be excelent you can seek perfection to.